When you could be dead.
I've just finished reading this wonderful book (with its even more wonderful title).
The message of rebellious hope in the face of challenges great and small is, perhaps, one we already know deep down.
But coming from Deborah James on her death bed - near enough - it has an added poignancy and is truly inspirational.
Deborah was diagnosed with incurable bowel cancer at just 35. Instead of merely coping, she set about living her life with purpose, laughter and a sense of fulfilment. She started a blog, a newspaper column, wrote a book called "F*** You, Cancer" and was a presenter for the hugely popular and helpful podcast "You, Me and the Big C."
She also set up the bowelbabe fund hoping to raise £250,000 for Cancer research UK. So far, the total reached stands at over £6 million and counting. Every copy of "How to live when you could be dead" sold in the UK sees another £3 donated to the fund.
Buy it. Read it. You won't regret it.